My introduction


Little by little. That is my motto, my life. I run on a different speed than most, but I get there just the same. Hello, my name is Mrs. Little By Little- I am a wife and a mother, I work full time, I DIY in my free time, and I am a chronic illness sufferer who lives by the spoon theory. (If you are unfamiliar with it don’t worry, I will share how it works!)

I am slowly taking back my 100 year old home and transforming it into the space I’ve longed for… a haven, if you will, where I, along with my family, can relax and enjoy each other. It has taken me over 10 years to get started, but thanks to a once in a lifetime pandemic and quarantine, I finally had some free time and energy to tackle the first project. It may have taken me longer than most people but it is progress and I will take it! Like I said, I will eventually get there- little by little…