new kitchen window and new shiplap

Kitchen Mayhem Update- Shiplap and a new Window!

shiplap and a new kitchen window
Our new kitchen window trimmed out!

Kitchen Mayhem Update– Shiplap and a New Window!

It has been a while since since I have shown you some new progress on the kitchen so here it is, Kitchen Mayhem Update– Shiplap and a New Window!

The Big Ice Storm of 2020

The big ice storm of 2020 and the ensuing state of emergency put a delay on our progress for sure! Once we finally got our power back we had to take some time to address our yard and privacy fence. To check out all about that craziness you can click here. The big ice storm of 2020 really taught us a lot about how prepared we were for a winter disaster. You can read my blog post about it, you will see that we found we were not prepared at all!


shiplap is on the wall beside our new kitchen window

The first thing we did when we could resume the work inside of our house was to address the kitchen walls. We had previously purchased sheets of plywood to strip down into planks. We planned on fashioning our own shiplap with nickel gaps in between. That’s why I spent all of that time removing the old red plaid wallpaper. I was afraid when we spaced the boards it would show through the nickel gaps. If you are interested in my wallpaper removal process you can click on this link– How To Remove Wallpaper.

Just before we started the walls, we stumbled onto some pre-primed shiplap boards at Menard’s on sale. They turned out to be cheaper than the plywood and they were the real deal shiplap that interlocks! We returned all of the plywood and we moved on with our pre-primed boards that were a steal from Menard’s. Here’s a link to what we ended up using– Menard’s pre-primed shiplap.

Once we got started, it ended up going very quickly. I’m so pleased with how fresh and bright our kitchen is now! Finally, I can see the potential.

A New Window

Once the shiplap was up, the next step was to replace the casing that was around the window. The old one was just too damaged to be salvaged, so Hubby and his bestie had to get creative. I think they did a great job!

Shiplap and a new kitchen window!

Now that the new casing is up, it’s starting to look like a new room. I know we have a long way to go but for the first time, I can actually see the potential. It is so exciting! We have come a long way since the original Kitchen Mayhem post when our ceiling fell in. It’s starting to finally move in the right direction. Hopefully we will start to make some more progress more quickly now!

Check back soon to see what’s next, and as always, thanks for stopping by!


I am just a Mom, a wife, and a DIY lover who works full time and deals with chronic illness... I am a lupus warrior and a Sjogren’s sister, I have fibromyalgia, I have had decompression surgery for Arnold Chiari, and have Cervical Dystonia along with other health issues and I live by the Spoon Theory (If you don’t know what the spoon theory is don’t worry- I will share) like any other chronic illness patient. My life may move at a different pace but I get there just the same. In my own time. Little by little.

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